Reach Your Stride

What Causes Foot Stress Fractures?
While the occasional injury is part of an active lifestyle, some are more frustrating than others and some, caught early enough, can be avoided altogether. Stress fractures are in that...
What Causes Foot Stress Fractures?
While the occasional injury is part of an active lifestyle, some are more frustrating than others and some, caught early enough, can be avoided altogether. Stress fractures are in that...

Can Insoles Help Relieve Morton’s Neuroma Foref...
Have you ever experienced numbness or tingling in your toes? Intermittent pain? A clicking feeling as you walk? The sensation that you are walking on a pebble stuck in your...
Can Insoles Help Relieve Morton’s Neuroma Foref...
Have you ever experienced numbness or tingling in your toes? Intermittent pain? A clicking feeling as you walk? The sensation that you are walking on a pebble stuck in your...

How Insoles Help Relieve Bunion Pain
According to WebMD, "about 10-25% of people have bunions, which can make your feet so sore that you can barely walk." And if you might think that only people of...
How Insoles Help Relieve Bunion Pain
According to WebMD, "about 10-25% of people have bunions, which can make your feet so sore that you can barely walk." And if you might think that only people of...

How To Buy Insoles
This beginner's guide explains the different types of insoles, inserts and orthotics available, and how to use them to make your shoes more supportive.
How To Buy Insoles
This beginner's guide explains the different types of insoles, inserts and orthotics available, and how to use them to make your shoes more supportive.

Finding The Best Insoles For Walking Or Standin...
Because walking is a lower-impact activity, many of us don't pay as much attention to the footwear we use when hitting the pavement. Picking the right footwear and adding the right...
Finding The Best Insoles For Walking Or Standin...
Because walking is a lower-impact activity, many of us don't pay as much attention to the footwear we use when hitting the pavement. Picking the right footwear and adding the right...

The Best Shoes For Delivery Drivers
Are your feet sore by the end of the day? Do you wish you had more energy in the evening? When you are a delivery truck driver, you log some...
The Best Shoes For Delivery Drivers
Are your feet sore by the end of the day? Do you wish you had more energy in the evening? When you are a delivery truck driver, you log some...